Drawing the plans

As many other good things started in the bedroom i began to draw the 1:1 plans right here. Hopefully there is coming as good stuff as our two kids and It`ll be done after 9 months 🙂

I have drawn each frame on a separate piece of carton so I keep a good overview to any dimensions and angles every time even later when the boat is set up and floating. This way i learned more about the construction and was able to imagine the build process of the frames. I bought 1,5 x 10 meter drawing carton (200g/m2), 1 and 2 meter long steel rulers and large triangles to make the drawing easier and precise. I need them anyway later for the woodwork. The knee pads were my best friends while crawling on the floor. Thanks to the excellent posts from Martell Marine on the Facebook builder`s page I also drew on carton the lengthways section of the whole boat for being sure about all dimensions https://www.facebook.com/groups/528251277862424/permalink/785100125510870/. Since this job has to be very precise and is most important for the build, I recommend doing this drawing work with concetration on a weekend in the morning and taking a break after 2 hours. Don’t think about doing it in the evening after a day at work.

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