
I had to get to work on the job I really didn’t like: filling and sanding. But after hours of work and when you get closer to your goal, it can be fun.

I applied the first layer of epoxy filler very thinly. I mixed 11 portions of epoxy fillerĀ  (each 500g resin + 150g GL-2 R&G hardener) and mixed in total 12 liters of micro balloons for this 1st fairing.

First layer epoxy filler.

After a few days of curing I was able to start sanding with the sanding board.

Then i applied a second, thicker layer of epoxy filler. Again it took a few days for final curing and more than 1 day of hard sanding work to smooth it out.

After these two runs of filling I had to clear the workshop because my time was running out here. So I applied a protective epoxy layer with blue color pigment. Next spring when I apply the 3rd layer of filler i have a good contrast and can better identify the areas where to put more filler.

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